Variable speed upgrade of Ban Houayxai SAG mill completed

Last week, the commissioning of the variable speed upgrade for the SAG mill of PanAust’s Ban Houayxai Gold-Silver Operation in Laos was completed. Existing mines can now easily upgrade their processes by converting fixed speed mills into modern variable speed mills. The variable speed operation improves the efficiency in grinding process, reducing the electrical consumption and increasing the output. It also extends the lifetime of the mill liners, reducing the maintenance costs.

PanAust Limited’s Lao-registered company, Phu Bia Mining is benefiting from the containerised solution provided by Electrodrives with the following main characteristics:

  1. Low-carbon emissions: due to the top-class efficiency of SER drive systems.
  2. Redundant operation: prevents trips and mill shutdowns in case of grid transients.
  3. Compact solution: full 6,500kW equipment pre-installed in a 20-feet ISO container.
  4. Fast deployment: only 48-hour shutdown required for connection and commissioning.

A special thanks to the incredible teams at Phu Bia Mining and Electrodrives for their efforts during this project that was specially challenging due to the global pandemic conditions. Well-done!

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